UGEP President is one of SEA Women Energy Champions

Sep 22, 2022

“Speak up. Ensure your point of view is heard, regardless of how many times it’s rejected.”

That’s Ruth Yu-Owen‘s advice to young women charting a career in the energy sector. Ruth is the first honoree in USAID‘s Southeast Asian Women Energy Champions series. The series, part of USAID Southeast Asia’s Smart Power Program, will celebrate women leaders in the sector who have overcome barriers, defied stereotypes, and succeeded in their professions.

Ruth is a strong advocate for women’s empowerment. She is a President of Upgrade Energy Philippines, Inc., and is trailblazing efforts to expand renewable energy in the Philippines. She rose in the male-dominated sector and founded her own firm that develops solar, biomass, and hydropower projects.

Read Ruth’s full story here:

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Created by Creative Coconut Ph